Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Population Of Singapore Is A Multicultural Country Essay

The population of Singapore has been increasing year over year resulting in 5.54million at the end of June, 2015. Since it is a multicultural country, the population can be distinguished into two major types - residents and non-residents. The resident population was recorded as 3.9 million including 3.38 million of Singapore citizens and 0.53 million of permanent residents. Other than that, 1.63 million of non-residents also play an important of Singapore population. (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2015). The land area of Singapore is 707km ² (The World Bank, 2015) with the population density of 5,535 per square kilometer. (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2015) Compared to 2014, the total population of Singapore went up 1.2 %. It can be considered as the lowest rate during the last few years. The population of citizens increased 1% as the same as previous year. But the growth of non-residents population decreased to 2.1% from 2.9% in 2014. The rate of population growth in age of 65 is 6.5% and it shows that the percentage of older people becomes higher and higher (Department of Statistics Singapore, 2015). Lower death rate is also one of the reasons of growth population of developed countries. Higher production of food, improvement of health knowledge and higher medical technology maintain the rate of increasing aging population. Nowadays, people are trying to live longer and so many ideas come out to keep us healthy. Well cooked food and purified water creates aShow MoreRelatedA Company Of Organic Skin Care And Home Products1572 Words   |  7 Pagesmarket. We chose Singapore as a start and as a door to the Asian market. Given Singaporeà ¢â‚¬â„¢s location we thought it as the best place to start. Eden is interested in introducing green products and living to Singapore and felt it was the best place to introduce this concept. In the country, there are a couple of organic food stores and health stores. 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